The Ivy Bar

Lite lockande med Sydney, THE IVY BAR.
World best bars beskriver det som:
This place is big. Seriously big. Ivy is made up of several distinct areas spread over serveral levels, the venue is owned by Justin Hemmes and is unashamedly extravagent. Draped around a central courtyard, the Ivy comprises a grill restaurant, a Japanese eatery, a lounge space and the dramatic, turquoise-walled Den where DJs play. There can be few people who won't find at least part of this place to their tastes. It's fantastic - in the truest sense of the word.
Får testa stället och sen ge en egen recension av stället. Men av kommentarerna jag läst på forum verkar det vara ett super ställe!
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Glöm inte att prova svampen! :D